Physics student Thomas Hepworth takes his talent to Europe

This past summer, Thomas Hepworth, a fourth-year Physics student at UWinnipeg, was one of only six Canadian students selected by the national Institute for Particle Physics to join the groundbreaking research taking place at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). Thomas will graduate from UWinnipeg this spring and then head over to the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics at Heidelberg University in Germany to begin work on his four-year doctorate. During his studies, Thomas will be dividing his time between Heidelberg University and the nuclear reactor at the Institut Laue–Langevin in Grenoble, France.
Thomas is also one of the two students to be awarded the prestigious Sir William Stephenson Scholarship in 2025. Established in 1984 in memory of Sir William Stephenson, the legendary aviator, spy, and businessman, two scholarships are awarded annually to students who demonstrate outstanding academic achievement, superior leadership qualities on or off campus, with the potential to make valuable contributions to Canada in the future.
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