Gordan Krnjaic Colloquium
Fri. Nov. 5 12:30 PM
- Fri. Nov. 5 01:20 PM
Contact: Andrea Wiebe
Location: via Zoom
Gordan Krnjaic, Associate Scientist at Fermilab
Assistant Professor, University of Chicago
Dial M for Muons
The longstanding muon g-2 anomaly is perhaps the largest discrepancy in fundamental physics and could become the first laboratory discovery of physics beyond the Standard Model of particles and interactions. In this talk, I will review what it means to measure a magnetic dipole moment, categorize the different theoretical possibilities for new particles that resolve the anomaly, and present a road map for how to discover the new particles responsible (even in a worst case "nightmare" scenario). A decisive probe of the underlying new physics will involve a combination of rare particle decay searches, new muon beam fixed-target experiments, and possibly even a future muon collider.
Missed the talk? Watch it here: https://uwcloud.uwinnipeg.ca/s/ExmrKdp858Jb4an