WITP Public Lecture: Dr. Sylvester James Gates
Thu. Mar. 23 05:00 PM
- Thu. Mar. 23 06:00 PM
Contact: Evan McDonough
Location: Eckhardt Gramatte Hall & Zoom Livestream
From Sci-Fi & Marvel to String Theory & Back Again
A journey from science fiction to the frontiers of Theoretical Physics.
Join us on March 23rd for a Winnipeg Institute for Theoretical Physics (WITP) public lecture held at the University of Winnipeg in Eckhardt Gramatte Hall, and live-streamed over Zoom. The lecture will be given by Sylvester James Gates, Jr. . Over the past five decades, Gates has made significant contributions to supersymmetry, supergravity, and string theory, and he has just wrapped up his time as President of the American Physical Society. He is a lifelong fan of science fiction, and his talk is going to connect that with his passion for physics.
All are welcome to attend!
Register for in-person event: https://witphysics.eventbrite.ca/
Register for Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_NUSqdISpRqayu0II3-ACAg