Mary Adedayo Colloquium
Fri. Nov. 24 12:30 PM
- Fri. Nov. 24 01:20 PM
Location: 3M69 & via Zoom
Forensic Science in an Evolving Digital World
Digital forensics is a discipline of forensic science that deals with the recovery, investigation, examination, and analysis of evidence found in digital devices. Although the field has its roots in law enforcement efforts to investigate crimes involving computers, its use in analyzing other digital artifacts has evolved. This seminar will introduce the field of digital forensics, its history, and the subdisciplines of digital forensics. We will discuss some of the research problems in the forensic investigation of databases, questioned digital documents, and other aspects of digital forensics.
BIO: Mary Adedayo is an Assistant professor in the Department of Applied Computer Science at the University of Winnipeg. Prior to working at the University of Winnipeg, she was a faculty at the University of Pretoria and later worked in the industry. Mary received her PhD in Computer Science from the University of Pretoria in 2015 and has an MSc in Computer Science from Stellenbosch University. Her research is focused on digital forensics, databases, database privacy, digital document examination, and cybersecurity.
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