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Physics Honours Thesis Talks & Awards Celebration

Mon. Apr. 7 10:00 AM - Mon. Apr. 7 02:00 PM
Location: 2M70

Physics Honours Thesis Public Presentations & Awards Celebration

Come out to hear the following 5 students present their honours thesis and stick around for our consolidated awards celebration, acknowledging the many Physics award recipients of this past year.

Igal Press

“Freeze-out Production and Strangeness in Dark Quantum Chromo-Dynamics”

Supervisor: Evan McDonough

Modeste Katotoka

“Shim coils and their importance in measuring the neutron electric dipole moment”

Supervisor: Jeff Martin

Thomas Hepworth

“Determining Material Properties of DLC Coated UCN guides for a Neutron Electric Dipole Moment Experiment”

Supervisor: Russell Mammei


Rylen De Vries

Sebastian Wright


Check back for more details as they become available.