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Faculty and Staff

Department Chair

Derrick Bourassa Derrick Bourassa, Professor
Profile: Derrick Bourassa


Nadya Alahakoon Nadya Alahakoon, Research Coordinator and Program Officer
Profile: Nadya Alahakoon

Carolynn Smallwood Carolynn Smallwood, Department Assistant
Email: psychology@uwinnipeg.ca
Profile: Carolynn Smallwood


Harinder Aujla Harinder Aujla, Professor
Profile: Harinder Aujla

Bruce Bolster Bruce Bolster, Associate Professor
Profile: Bruce Bolster

Erin Buckels Erin Buckels, Assistant Professor
Profile: Erin Buckels

Stephanie Bugden Stephanie Bugden, Assistant Professor
Phone: 204-786-9145
Office: 4L45
Building: Lockhart
Email: s.bugden@uwinnipeg.ca
Profile: Stephanie Bugden

Jim Clark Jim Clark, Professor
Profile: Jim Clark

Amy Desroches Amy Desroches, Professor
Profile: Amy Desroches

Beverley Fehr Beverley Fehr, Professor
Profile: Beverley Fehr

Bev Fredborg Bev Fredborg, Assistant Professor
Profile: Bev Fredborg

Justin Friesen Justin Friesen, Associate Professor
Phone: 204-786-9303
Office: 5L30
Building: Lockhart Hall
Email: jp.friesen@uwinnipeg.ca
Profile: Justin Friesen

Jeremy Frimer Jeremy Frimer, Associate Professor
Profile: Jeremy Frimer

Brandon Goulding Brandon Goulding, Assistant Professor
Phone: 204-786-9405
Building: Lockhart
Email: b.goulding@uwinnipeg.ca
Profile: Brandon Goulding

Pauline Pearson Pauline Pearson, Professor
Profile: Pauline Pearson

Lisa Sinclair Lisa Sinclair, Professor
Profile: Lisa Sinclair

Stephen Smith Stephen Smith, Professor
Profile: Stephen Smith

Harry Strub Harry Strub, Professor
Profile: Harry Strub

Doug Williams Doug Williams, Professor
Profile: Doug Williams

Contract Faculty

Ibiyemi Arowolo Ibiyemi Arowolo, Contract Academic Staff
Profile: Ibiyemi Arowolo

Cory Bellhouse Cory Bellhouse, Lab instructor
Profile: Cory Bellhouse

Jennifer Chuchmuch Jennifer Chuchmuch, Contract Academic Staff
Profile: Jennifer Chuchmuch

Carly Cressman Carly Cressman, CAS
Profile: Carly Cressman

Michael Ellery Michael Ellery, Contract Academic Staff
Profile: Michael Ellery

Aynslie Hinds Aynslie Hinds, Contract Academic Staff
Profile: Aynslie Hinds

Fanli Jia Fanli Jia, CAS
Office: online
Profile: Fanli Jia

Ryan Langridge Ryan Langridge, CAS
Profile: Ryan Langridge

Jane Lawrence-Dewar Jane Lawrence-Dewar, Contract Academic Staff
Profile: Jane Lawrence-Dewar

Kim O'Neil Kim O'Neil, CAS
Office: online
Profile: Kim O'Neil

Dan Perlman Dan Perlman, Contract Academic Staff
Profile: Dan Perlman

Mohammad Soleyman Nejad Mohammad Soleyman Nejad, Contract Academic Staff
Profile: Mohammad Soleyman Nejad

John Streukens John Streukens, CAS
Office: online
Profile: John Streukens

Liz Williams Liz Williams, Contract Academic Staff
Profile: Liz Williams

Senior Scholar

Wendy Josephson Wendy Josephson, Senior Scholar
Profile: Wendy Josephson


Michael Halldorson Michael Halldorson, retired
Profile: Michael Halldorson

Paul Trapnell Paul Trapnell , retired
Profile: Paul Trapnell

In Memoriam

Hinton Bradbury Hinton Bradbury, In memorium
Profile: Hinton Bradbury