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Cyber Security

DeepSeek Advisory

Individuals using or planning to use the DeepSeek online service or cellphone app should be made aware of various security and privacy issues that have been identified:

  • DeepSeek sends sensitive data over the Internet without encryption, exposing it to interception and manipulation attacks
  • Where encryption is used, DeepSeek uses known weak and hackable encryption algorithms
  • DeepSeek’s website is configured to send user login information to China Mobile, a state-owned telecommunications company that has been banned from operating in the United States
  • Various data leaks have been reported that expose user generated data of various sensitivities
  • Use of DeepSeek has been banned by various governments, including Canada

Given the above risks, if you intend to use DeepSeek, be wary of the data you input.  Do not input personal or sensitive University information.



Canadian Center for Cyber Security


The Hacker News


Global News
