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Heather Barkman

Heather Barkman Title: Contract Instructor
Building: Graham Hall
Email: h.barkman@uwinnipeg.ca

BA (Hons), University of Manitoba
MA, University of Manitoba
PhD, University of Ottawa


Canadian Society of Patristic Studies, Webmaster/Social Media Manager 

Research Interests:

Late Antique Christianity, martyrdom, women martyrs, Roman North Africa


  • Donatism,” Database of Religious History (DRH).UBC Community and Partner Publications. 2019. DOI: 10.14288/1.0385825
  • “‘Stubborn and Insolent’ or ‘Enfeebled by Riches’?: The Construction of Crispina’s Identity,”Studia Patristica 96 (2017): 181-190. 
  • “The Church of the Martyrs in Egypt and North Africa: A Comparison of the Melitian and Donatist Schisms.” Journal of the Canadian Society for Coptic Studies 6 (2014): 41-58.