Xiao-yuan Dong, Professor

Xiao-yuan Dong, Professor
BA (Heilongjiang)
MA (Alberta)
PhD (Alberta)
Areas of Specialization: Economic Development, Econometrics and Applied Microeconomics
Research Profile Growing a Private Sector: Economic Development in China
Selected Publications:
- Dong, Xiao-yuan (with Liangshu Qi). Chapter 13 “The Interference of Unpaid Domestic and Care Work with Paid Work and Men and Women’s Earnings”, forthcoming in Research Handbook on Time-Use and Societyedited by Michael Bittman and Oriel Sullivan. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Dong, Xiao-yuan (with Fenglian Du and Yinyu Zhang). 2023. “Educational Differences in Parental Time Devoted to Childcare in China.” China Economic Review,(80):102001 [link]
- 2021. "To Return or Stay? The Gendered Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Migrant Workers in China", Feminist Economics, 27:1-2, 236-253. [link]
- Dong, Xiao-yuan (with Wenjin Long, Xiaopeng Pang and Junxia Zeng). 2020. “Is Rented Accommodation a Good Choice for Primary School Students' Academic Performance? --- Evidence from Rural China.” China Economic Review (62) [link]
- Dong, Xiao-yuan (with Veronica Mendizabal Joffre). 2019. “Inclusive Growth in the People’s Republic of China: A Deep Look at Men’s and Women’s Work Amid Demographic, Technological, and Structural Transformations.” Asian Development Bank East Asia Working Paper Series: No. 17, December 2019.
- Dong, Xiao-yuan (with Fenglian Du and Yinyu Zhang). 2019. “Grandparent-Provided Childcare and Labor Force Participation of Mothers with Preschool Children in Urban China.” China Population and Development Studies 2(4): 349-368. [link]
- Dong, Xiao-yuan (with Rachel Connelly, Joyce Jacobsen, and Yaohui Zhao). 2018. “The Care Economy in Post-Reform China: Feminist Research on Unpaid and Paid Work and Well-Being.″ Feminist Economics 24(2): 1-30.
- Dong, Xiao-yuan (with Nan Jia and Yue-ping Song). 2018. “Paid Maternity Leave and Breastfeeding in Urban China.” Feminist Economics, 24(2): 31–53.
- Dong, Xiao-yuan (with Sai Ding and Margaret Maurer-Fazio). 2018. “Childcare, Household Composition, Muslim Ethnicity, and Off-Farm Work in Rural China.” Feminist Economics, 24(2): 77–99.
- Dong, Xiao-yuan (with Lan Liu and Fiona MacPhail). 2018. “Gender, Work Burden, and mental Health in Post-Reform China.” Feminist Economics, 24(2): 194-217.
- Dong, Xiao-yuan (with Yueping Song). 2018. “Childcare Costs and Migrant and Local Mothers' Labor Force Participation in Urban China.” Feminist Economics, 24(2): 122-46.
- Dong, Xiao-yuan (with Liangshu Qi). 2018. “Gender, Low-Paid Status, and Time Poverty in Urban China.” Feminist Economics, 24(2): 171–93.
- Dong, Xiao-yuan (with Sarah Cook). 2017. "Gender, welfare and the economy of care in reform era China." in the Handbook of Welfare in China eds. B. Carrillo, J. Hood and P. Kadetz, pp. 266-284. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Dong, Xiao-yuan (with Song,Yueping). 2017. “Domestic Violence and Women’s Land Rights in Rural China: Findings from a National Survey in 2010" Journal of Development Studies, 53(9): 1471-1485. [link]
- Dong, Xiao-yuan (with Feng Jin and Yu Yangyang). 2016. “Relative Pay and Its Underlying Determinants for Domestic Eldercare Workers: Evidence from Shanghai China” Feminist Economics [link]
- Dong, Xiao-yuan (with Li Shi and Sui Yang). 2016. “Trade Liberalization, Social Policy Development and Labor Market Outcomes of Chinese Women and Men in the Decade after China’s Accession to the World Trade Organization” UNWOMEN Discussion Paper No. 9 February 2016 for UNWOMEN’s flagship publication Progress of the World’s Women 2015-2016
- Dong, Xiao-yuan (with Liangshu Qi). 2015. “Unpaid Care Work, Its Interference with Paid Work, and the Earnings of Men and Women in China.” Feminist Economics, DOI:10.1080/13545701.2015.1025803 [link]
- Dong, Xiao-yuan (with Xinli An). 2015. “The Gender Patterns and Value of Unpaid Care Work: Findings from China’s First Time Use Survey”, Review of Income and Wealth, 61(3): 540-60. [link]
- Dong, Xiao-yuan (with Paul Bowles and Chang Hongqin). 2014. “Rural Economic Outcomes in China after Two Decades of Policy Reform.” Review of Agrarian Studies, 4(2): 1-24. [link]
- Dong, Xiao-yuan (with Yueping Song). 2013. “Gender and Occupational Mobility in Urban China during the Economic Transition.” Research in Labor Economics, 37: 93-122.
- Dong, Xiao-yuan (with Fenglian Du). 2013. “Women’s Labor Force Participation and Childcare Choices in Urban China during the Economic Transition.” Economic Development and Cultural Change, 62(1): 131-55. [link]
- Dong, Xiao-Yuan (with Nan Jia). 2013. "Economic Transition and the Motherhood Wage Penalty in Urban China: Investigation Using Panel Data." Cambridge Journal of Economics, 37(4): 819-43. [link]
- Dong, Xiao-Yuan and Manish Pandey. 2012. "Gender and Labor Retrenchment in Chinese State Owned Enterprises: Investigation using firm level data" China Economic Review, Vol. 23(2), pp. 385–395. [link]
- Dong, Xiao-Yuan (with Xinli An). 2012. “The Gender Patterns and Value of Unpaid Work: Findings from China’s First Time Use Survey.” UNRISD Research Paper 2012-6 [link]
- Dong, Xiao-Yuan (with Hongqin Chang and Fiona MacPhail). 2011. “Labor Migration and Time Use Patterns of the Left-behind Children and Elderly in Rural China.” World Development, 39(12): 2199-2210
- Dong, Xiao-Yuan (with Hongqin Chang and Fiona MacPhail). 2011. “The Feminization of Labor and the Gender Work-Time Gap in Rural China.” Feminist Economics, 17(4): 93-124
- Dong, Xiao-Yuan (with Sarah Cook). 2011. “Harsh Choices: Chinese Women's Paid Work and Unpaid Care Responsibilities under Economic Reform.” Development and Change, 42(4): 947-966
- Dong, Xiao-Yuan (with Gale Summerfield, Nahid Aslanbeigui and Jie Hu). 2011. “Wage Differentials, Occupational Segregation, and Gendered Creativity Perceptions in the Chinese Science and Technology Sector: Beijing and Wuhan.” Eastern Economic Journal, 37: 178-196
- Dong, Xiao-Yuan (with Liying Li). 2011. “Economic Transition and the Gender Earnings Gap in Chinese Industry: The Role of Firm Characteristics” Contemporary Economic Policy, 29(1): 67-87
- Dong, Xiao-Yuan (with Sarah Cook). eds. 2010. Gender Equality and China's Economic Transition: Informal Employment and Care Provision. Beijing: Economic Science Press
- Dong, Xiao-Yuan (with Gunseli Berik and Gale Summerfield). eds. 2010. Gender, China and the World Trade Organization, London and New York: Routledge
- Dong, Xiao-Yuan (with Lan Liu and Xiaoying Zheng). 2010. “Parental Care and Married Women's Labor Supply: Evidence from Urban China.” Feminist Economics, 16(3): 169-192
- Dong, Xiao-Yuan (with Paul Bowles and Hongqin Chang). 2010. "Managing Liberalization and Globalization in Rural China: Trends in Rural Labour Allocation, Income and Inequality." Global Labour Journal: 1 (1): 32-55
- Dong, Xiao-Yuan (with Gunseli Berik and Gale Summerfield). eds. 2009. China's Transformation and Feminist Economics. Beijing: Economic Science Press.
- Dong, Xiao-Yuan and Manish Pandey. 2009. “Comparison of Manufacturing Productivity between India and China: The Role of Institutional Change.” China Economic Review, 20(4): 754-766
- Dong, Xiao-Yuan (with Lixin Xu). 2009. “Labor Restructuring in China: Toward A Functioning Labor Market.” Journal of Comparative Economics, 37(2): 287-305
- Dong, Xiao-Yuan, (with Ding Sai and Shi Li). 2009. “Employment and Earnings of Married Women and Family Income Inequality during China's Economic Transition.” Feminist Economics, 15(3): 163-190
- Dong, Xiao-Yuan (with Fenglian Du). 2009. “Why Do Women Have Longer Durations of Unemployment than Men in Post-Restructuring Urban China?” Cambridge Journal of Economics, 33(2): 233-252
- Dong, Xiao-Yuan (with Liqin Zhang). 2009. “Economic Transition and Gender Differentials in Wages and Productivity: Evidence from Chinese Manufacturing Enterprises.” Journal of Development Economics, 88(1): 144-156
- MacPhail, Fiona and Xiao-yuan Dong, "Market Labor and Women's Household Status in Rural China" forthcoming in Feminist Economics, April 2007
- Dong, Xiao-yuan, Louis Putterman, and Bulent Unel, "Enterprise Restructuring and Firm Performance: A Comparison of Rural and Urban Enterprises in Jiangsu Province" Journal of Comparative Economics, September 2006.
- Wang, Xiaobo and Dong, Xiao-yuan, "The Status of Women Economists in China's Universities," Feminist Economics, June 2006.
- Dong, Xiao-yuan, "Wage Inequality and Between-Firm Wage Dispersion in the 1990s: A Comparison of Rural and Urban Enterprises in China" Journal of Comparative Economics, 33: 664-687, 2005.
- Dong, Xiao-yuan, Fiona MacPhail, Paul Bowles, and Samuel Ho, "Gender Segmentation at Work in China's Privatized Rural Industry: Some Evidence from Shandong and Jiangsu", World Development, 32(6): 979-998, June 2004.
- Dong, Xiao-yuan, "Privatization and Rising Earnings Inequality in China’s Rural Industry: Evidence from Shandong and Jiangsu." China Economic Quarterly, 2(2): 1-10, 2003.
- Dong, Xiao-yuan and Louis Putterman, "Soft Budget Constraints, Social Burdens, and Labor Redundancy in China’s State Industry." Journal of Comparative Economics, 31(1): 110-133, 2003.
- Ho, Samuel, Paul Bowles, and Xiao-yuan Dong, "Letting Go of the Small: An Analysis of The Privatization of Rural Enterprises in Jiangsu and Shandong." Journal of Development Studies, 39(4): 1-26, April 2003.
- Bowles, Paul, Xiao-yuan Dong and Samuel Ho, "Managerial Autonomy, Firm Objectives and the Role of Local Governments in Post-Privatization Rural China: Some Survey Evidence." Journal of Asian Business, 18(3): 17-30, 2002.
- Dong, Xiao-yuan, Paul Bowles, and Samuel Ho, "Share Ownership and Employee Attitudes: Some Evidence from China’s Post-Privatization Rural Industry", Journal of Comparative Economics, 30(4): 812-835, December 2002.
- Ho, Samuel, Xiao-yuan Dong, Paul Bowles, Fiona MacPhail, "Privatization and Enterprise Wage Structures During Transition: Evidence from Rural China", Economics of Transition, 10(3): 659-688, November 2002.
- Dong, Xiao-yuan and Louis Putterman, "China’s State-owned Enterprises in the First Reform Decade: An Analysis of a Declining Monopsony," Economics of Planning, 35(2): 109-140, 2002.
- Dong, Xiao-yuan, Paul Bowles, Samuel Ho, "The Determination of Employee Share Ownership in China’s Privatized Rural Industries: Evidence from Jiangsu and Shandong," Journal of Comparative Economics, 30(2): 415-437, June 2002.
- Dong, Xiao-yuan and Paul Bowles, "Segmentation and Discrimination in China’s Emerging Industrial Labor Markets", Chinese Economic Review, 13(2-3): 170-196, May 2002.
Working Papers
- Investigating the Rise of Labor Redundancy in China's State Industry (with Louis Putterman) Department of Economics, University of Winnipeg Working Paper 2000.
- Segmentation and Discrimination in China's Emerging Industrial Labor Markets (with Paul Bowles), Department of Economics, University of Winnipeg and University of Northern British Columbia, 2000
- The Chinese Enigma: Impacts of WTO Accession Upon Canadian and U.S. Exports and Imports (with Michele Veeman and Terry Veeman) Presented in Joint Annual Meetings of the Canadian Agricultural Economics Society and the Canadian Economics Association, Vancouver, BC, June 1-4, 2000.
- China's State-Owned Enterprises in the First Reform Decade: An Analysis of a Declining Monopsony (with Louis Putterman) Department of Economics, University of Winnipeg Working Paper 1997.