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Lifting the Veil of Secrecy: Organ Harvesting in China

Tue. Nov. 8 06:30 PM - Tue. Nov. 8 09:00 PM

Lifting the Veil of Secrecy: Organ Harvesting in China poster imageGlobal College is hosting a panel discussion on forced organ harvesting of the Falun Gong people in China. The panelists for the evening are:

David Matas, international human rights lawyer based in Winnipeg, Order of Canada. Because of his work on the forced organ harvesting issue of China, Matas was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2010. Matas has received many human rights awards over the years. Recent notable awards include the Carthage International Award and the Distinguished Alumni Award of the University of Manitoba. He is co-author of Bloody Harvest, and co-editor of State Organs and one of the main authors of the most recent updated report on the forced organ harvesting in China.

Dr. Maria Cheung, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Social Work, University of Manitoba. She is also Research Affiliate of the Centre for Human Rights Research at the U of M. In recent years, Dr. Cheung has been working on human rights research in the area of Falun Gong and forced organ harvesting issue in China. She has received the Merit Award on Research and Scholarly Work , University of Manitoba and CIDA Award for Canadians. Her most recent peer-reviewed publication is on mindfulness and human rights.

Ogai Sherzoi, Chair, Citizens Against Forced Organ Harvesting. Ogai is a Master of Social Work student, U of Manitoba.