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Human Rights Spring 2025 Courses

Tue. Feb. 4, 2025

The Spring 2025 timetable is now available to view on WebAdvisor. If you have any questions about the scheduled courses, please contact the Global College Office Coordinator at global.college@uwinnipeg.ca.

Last updated March 7, 2025

Global College's Human Rights Program will be offering the following courses in the Spring 2025 term:

HR-2200/HIST-2512-001 History of Human Rights in Canada (3 credits)

M/W/F 9:00 am- 12:00 pm, 05/05/2025- 06/02/2025

Instructor: Dr. Kristi Kenyon

This course examines the history of human rights within the Canadian context including key federal, provincial and municipal legislation as well as critical human rights institutions. The course explores the evolution of the human rights in Canada in relation to their international counterparts, and historical discrimination in Canada in areas such as immigration, employment and housing, internment of minority populations, gender, sexuality, anti-Semitism and treatment of Indigenous peoples. Cross-listed: HIST-2512(3). Restrictions: Students may not hold credit for this course and HIST-2512.

Requisites: None

HR-2600-001 Emerging Issues in Human Rights (6 credits)

M/T/W/Th/F 9:00 am- 4:00 pm, 08/18/2025- 08/29/2025

Instructor: Dr. Saad Khan

This intensive course is designed to introduce students, in a range of disciplines and students entering university, to challenges and opportunities in global to local human rights, by cultivating foundational skills for academic success. In both classroom and community settings, students explore global issues using the city as our human rights 'campus' through current news items, literature, and social analysis from diverse perspectives, shaped by research expertise in Global College. The course is structured to strengthen skills in critical thinking and analysis, writing, oral/social media presentations within a human rights framework, for increasing student capabilities in a range of post-secondary academic programs.

Requisites: None

*Instructor permission is required. Please email the course instructor for more information.

HR-2650-001 Special Topics in Human Rights (3 credits)

Topic: Human Rights in Literature, Film and Art

T/Th 9:00 am- 12:00 pm, 05/05/2025-06/16/2025

Instructor: TBA

The nature and range of topics will vary, depending upon the expertise of the instructor. Students should consult the Human Rights advisor or Global College website for information about specific iterations of the course. The course may be repeated if the topic varies.

HR-3510-001/002 Practicum in Human Rights (3 to 6 credits)


Instructor: Ruth Taronno

In the Practicum, students integrate theory and classroom knowledge with practice through supervised field work and structured assignments and reflections. The practicum involves volunteer work related to Human Rights in a relevant organization, and participation in specified seminars and/or written analyses. Note: Enrolment is subject to approval of a practicum proposal submitted by a student with a declared major in Human Rights. Interested students are advised to consult the Human Rights Coordinator well in advance of the term in which they wish to enroll.

Requisites: HR-2100 and HR-2200 or the former HRGS-2101 or the former POL-2101

HR-3511-001 International Practicum in Human Rights (6 credits)


Instructor: Ruth Taronno

In the International Practicum students integrate theory and classroom knowledge with practice through supervised field work and structured assignments and reflections. The practicum involves 3 months of a minimum of 30 weekly hours of volunteer work related to Human Rights in a relevant organization in an international setting, and participation in specified seminars and/or written analyses. Interested students are advised to consult with the Human Rights Practicum Coordinator well in advance of the term in which they wish to enroll. Restrictions: Students may not hold credit for this course and HR-3510.

Requisites: HR-2100 and HR-2200

HR-3650-001 Special Topics in Human Rights (3 credits)

Topic: Representing 2SLGBTQ+ Rights

T/Th 6:00 pm- 9:00 pm, 05/05/2025-06/16/2025

Instructor: TBA

The nature and range of topics vary, depending upon the expertise of the instructor. Students should consult the Human Rights coordinator or Global College website for information about specific iterations of the course. The course may be repeated if topic varies. Restriction: Students cannot receive credit for GHR-3650 if already received credit in HR-3650.

Requisites: None

HR-4650-001 Special Topics in Human Rights (3 credits)

Topic: Teaching Human Rights and Global Citizenship in Manitoba

M/ T/ W/ Th/ F 8:30 am- 4:30 pm, 07/07/2025-07/11/2025

Instructor: Lloyd Kornelsen

The nature and range of topics will vary, depending on the expertise of the instructor. Students should consult the Human Rights Advisor or Global College web site for information about specific iterations of the course. The course may be repeated if topic varies.

Special Topics: Teaching Human Rights and Global Citizenship in Manitoba. Students cannot hold credit in both HR-2600 Emerging Issues in Human Rights and EDUC-5001 ST: Teaching Human Rights and Global Citizenship in Manitoba. Cross-Listed: EDUC-5001-003.

Requisites: HR-2100(3) and HR-2200(3) and at least 6 additional credit hours in HR, or permission of the instructor