Stay at work/Return to work
For Staff
What to Expect — If you are returning to work after an illness or Injury and require additional supports, the Wellbeing Office will work with you, your supervisor, and your medical team to provide a safe, return to work plan.
We can also create a modified work arrangement to support you while you remain at work while recovering from illness or injury.
- When returning to work after an illness or injury, please have your medical provider complete the Workplace Capabilities Form [PDF].
For Supervisors
What to Expect — When an employee who has been off work with illness or injury and is planning a return to work, with modifications, the Wellbeing Office will work with you to ensure the needs of the Department are met.
If an employee requires modifications to their tasks or environment to stay at work while recovering from an illness or injury, the Wellbeing Office will work with Supervisors, the medical team, and the employee to provide support and assistance in establishing suitable modifications. These modifications are often designed to be short term with a defined end date.
Please reach out to the Wellbeing Office to discuss your situation.