News and Events
News: Indo-Canadians and the Pandemic PDF book access
Indo-Canadians and the 2020 Pandemic: Expressions from the Community is part of a larger COVID SEVA INITIATIVE undertaken by the India Association of Manitoba through funding from the Government of Canada under the COVID-19 Emergency Support Fund for Community Organizations.
COVID-19 is a global pandemic that is pervasive in its reach and impacts everyone at all spheres of life, including the economic, social, and political. It has affected us in all spheres- economic and social (and by extension, political). In its aftermath, we see says we might have addressed issues differently, both as they arose and going forward. As with revolutions and/or cataclysmic change, pandemics also transformative in that they leave behind far-reaching effects that change us all. In this respect, COVID-19 has been no different.
Our objective in undertaking this exercise is to compile a legacy narrative to show how the Indo-Canadian community and its members coped with issues arising from COVID-19. Taking a bottom-up or grassroots approach, we have asked contributors to record their observations and thoughts from a stakeholder perspective. Our contributors are from domains such as education, community, and government, business and service providers, as well as individuals with concerns for family and community. The document therefore captures a panoramic view of the community.
Event: June 10, 2021: The Crisis of Care in COVID-19 India
According to experts, India’s COVID-19 infections now account for more than one third of global infections. India’s healthcare system is unable to support the number of patients seeking treatment with hospitals running out of beds and oxygen, and vaccines largely unavailable to India’s vast population.
This Zoom panel looked at the crisis in India and asked the question, “How might faith communities, and the Canadian public at large, respond to this growing catastrophe?”
Panelists included Dr. Nitika Pant Pai, Associate Professor, Department of Medicine at McGill University, Dr. Manish Pandey, Associate Vice-President, International at the University of Winnipeg, and Dr. Savita Singh, Professor, School of Gender and Development Studies at Indira Gandhi National Open University.
Sponsors: India Centre, UWinnipeg Treaty One Christians for Socialism, Newcombe Lectureship
News: March 2021: "A Voice Still Relevant for Today and Tomorrow: Sahir Ludhianvi" in The Indo-Canadian Telegram PDF article access
Event: October 4, 2020: Mahatma Gandhi and Ethics: Human Rights and Corporate Dimensions
In celebration of the 150th birthday anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, on October 4th, 2020, the India Centre and the Consulate General of India (Toronto, Canada) hosted a virtual panel on Mahatma Gandhi and Ethics: Human Rights and Corporate Dimensions. The India Association of Manitoba and the Manitoba Historical Society also partnered on the event.
The event featured panellists Professor Jaydeep Balkrishan who spoke on 21st century ethical business entrepreneurship fromm a Gandhian perspective, and Mr. David Matas who spoke on the modern context of Gandhi and human rights.
Watch the recording of the event here.
Event: October 25, 2019: India Centre's 5th Annual Gala Awards Dinner
The India Centre’s 5th Annual Awards Dinner was hosted on October 25th, 2019 at Canad Inns Destination Centre Polo Park. Ms. Jay Grewal, President and CEO, Manitoba Hydro, was the evening’s Chief Guest and Honouree, receiving the India Centre Lifetime Achievement Award, and keynote speaker.
Event: October 24, 2019: Leading Through Change: A Conversation with Ms. Jay Grewal, President & CEO of Manitoba Hydro.
This event is happened on Thursday, October 24th, 2019 from 4:00 - 5:00 PM with a reception that follow. This was a free event and open to everyone. It was moderated by Dr. Sylvie Albert, Professor, Department of Business & Administration.
Event: July 31, 2019: 100 Years of the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre: A Political and Literary Perspective
This speaking event was presented by India Centre, in partnership with the India Association of Manitoba. The Guest Speaker was Raza Naeem, President, The Progressive Writers Association Lahore. This was a free event and open to the public.
Event: May 24, 2019: A groovy fusion of Bollywood hits and Indian classical music
The Winnipeg Art Gallery has teamed up with the India Association of Manitoba and India Centre for Academic, Business and Community Excellence to present a live concert with Bollywood Gharana: a fusion of Bollywood hits and Indian Classical music. Discover more about Bollywood Gharana here.
Sponsored by Charisma of India, and presented by: India Association of Manitoba and India Centre.
Sept.25, 2018 - Pawan Singal - Honorary Doctorate; BSc Hons, MSc, PhD, DSc; Honorary Doctor of Laws
Renowned cardiovascular researcher and community leader to receive honorary doctorate.
Pawan K. Singal is an internationally renowned cardiovascular researcher, educator, and highly regarded community leader in Manitoba. Read full article here
India Centre Bursaries, established May 2018
Using proceeds from the India Centre Endowment Fund, an annual bursary was established to provide financial support to two students from the Indo-Canadian community studying at The University of Winnipeg.
'Tarangini: An Enchanting Journey of Odissi,' October 2017
A performance of Odissi dance by a troupe from Kolkata, India, sponsored in part by the Indian Council for Cultural Relations with funding from the Manitoba Multicultural Secretariat, in celebration of Canada's 150th anniversary.
'A Discussion with the Consulate General of India, November 2017
A discussion with the Hon. Dinesh Bhatia, Consul General of India (Toronto) hosted by the India Association of Manitoba, moderated by Dr. Manish Pandey, and with the participation of about 30 people representing various Indo-Canadian community organizations.
Summer Institute: Institute for Integrated Learning in Management (IILM), Delhi, July-August 2016
With the support of the India Centre, the University's Faculty of Business & Economics hosted 44 graduate students (and one professor) for The IILM in India for a four-week summer institute in Global Business Management. In-class learning was complemented with industry visits and cultural field trips across Winnipeg, including the Canadian Museum for Human Rights and the India Pavilion at Folklorama.
In the News - LinkedIn - July 2016
Public Forum on Entrepreneurship
In the News - UWinnipeg News Centre - September 2015
India Centre Awards Dinner
Gurdas Mann Concert
'Willful Blindness and Global Finance Crises,' Lecture by Dr. Arvind Jain, November 2015
Dr. Arvind Jain (Professor, Department of Finance, John Molson School of Business, Concordia University) has published extensively in the areas of international finance and economic development. He discussed his recent research focused on the behavior of individuals, banks and other institutions during financial crises.
In the News- Winnipeg Sun- February 2015
India Three Big Churns
In the News- Winnipeg Sun- January 2015
The Indo-Canadian: Over the Past 40 Years
In the News- Winnipeg Sun- December 2014
India Centre: One Year Later
In the News- Winnipeg Sun- November 2014
India Innovation & Inclusive Growth
In the News- Winnipeg Sun- October 2014
"Swaranajali" and the "Diwali Mela"
In the News- Winnipeg Sun- September 2014
India: Through the eyes of the West
FICCI Delegation from India on Higher Education- June 19th, 2014
A total of 60 participant attended The Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry incoming delegation from India on higher education. Read more
Science within Spirituality- January 29th, 2014
Approximately, 80 people gathered on January 29th, 2014 at the Convocation Hall at the University of Winnipeg to participate in a Public Forum on "Science within Spirituality" convened jointly by the India Centre and the Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council. Read more
In the News- Winnipeg Sun- June 25th, 2013
India Centre Opening & MOU Signing- November 2013

The University of Winnipeg and the India Association of Manitoba signed a Memorandum of Understanding to develop a stronger collaborative relationship through creation of the India Centre for Academic, Business and Community Excellence.
Read our Press Release
Watch footage of the event!