The Institute focuses on inner-city, housing, Indigenous, and urban development issues and frequently partners with government, the private sector, and community-based organizations and acts in partnership with these organizations to effect positive urban change. Over the last half-century the Institute has partnered with hundreds of Community Organizations, Service Providers, Academics, Consultants, and Governments in pursuing our research. We would like to dedicate this space to these ongoing collaborations and partnerships that have resulted in a rich reserve of knowledge.
Two organizations with whom we have worked with on multiple projects recently are highlighted below: the Rural Development Institute at Brandon University, and the Social Planning Council of Winnipeg.

Social Planning Council of Winnipeg
Recent Collaborations:
- Winnipeg Street Census (2018)
- Vital Signs (2017)
- Advancing Coordination of the Winnipeg Homeless Sector (2016-17)
- Preliminary Scan of Main Street Project Data, and Potential for Outcome Analysis (2016)
- HPS Community Plan Update (2016)
- Winnipeg Street Census (2015)
- HPS Community Plan (2014-2019)
Rural Development Institute
RDI functions as a not-for-profit research and development organization designed to promote, facilitate, coordinate, initiate and conduct multi-disciplinary academic and applied research on rural issues. Fosters community development and resiliency through research and information sharing on issues and opportunities unique to rural, remote and northern communities.
Recent Collaborations:
- A Call to Digital Action in Rural Manitoba (2016)
- The Importance of Rural Manitoba: A Discussion Paper (2015)
- Rural Factsheets: Workshop (2014)
- A Framework for Determining Settlement and Language Training Needs and Priorities in Manitoba (2014)
Additional Partners
Organizations and Governments |
Winnipeg Downtown Biz |
Steinbach Transportation (Marlin Roth) |
Spence Neighbourhood Association |
United Way of Winnipeg |
Western Economic Diversification |
Lions Place |
St. James-Assiniboia School Division |
Good Neighbours Seniors' Centre (Winnipeg) |
Town of Churchill |
Lakehead University |
Canadian Institute of Planners |
Canadian Centre on Disability Studies |
Canadian Mental Health Commission of Canada (CMHC) |
Social Planning Council of Winnipeg |
Canadian Housing and Renewal Association (CHRA) |
Fort Garry Community Network |
University of Manitoba |
National Association of Friendship Centres |
Art City (Winnipeg) |
Royal LePage Advisors |
SCYAP (in Saskatchewan) |
Heritage Canada |
Community Features East Interlake Inc. |
Aboriginal Centre of Winnipeg |
Manitoba Urban Native Housing Association Inc. |
Winnipeg Habitat for Humanity |
Rural Development Institute at Brandon University |
Winnipeg Real Estate Board |
Westminster Housing Association |
West Broadway Development Corp. |
City of Winnipeg |
Manitoba Home Builders' Association |
City of Portage La Prairie |
ND Lea Engineers and Planners |
Mount Allison University |
Manitoba Family Services and Housing |
City of Winnipeg Police |
Saskatoon Affordable New Home Development Association |
Main Street Project |
Home Opportunities Partnership |
Siloam Mission |
Paragon Building Systems |
Manitoba Hydro |
Manitoba Professional Planners Institute |
Manitoba Green Retrofit |
Intergovernmental Affairs and Trade |
Winnipeg Harvest |
Brandon Neighbourhood Renewal Corp |
Turtle Island Recreation Centre |
Pan Am Games Society |
Town of Steinbach |
Peguis First Nation |
Manitoba Library Consortium Inc. |
Vincent Massey School |
Manitoba Safety Council |
Gordon Bell High School |
Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada |
Portage Community Network |
Centre for Sustainable Transportation |
Town of Preeceville, SK |
Town of Morden |
CentreVenture |
Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Centred Prairie Community Series |
The Forks North Portage Partnership |
University of Alberta (Faculty of Extension) |
Hart Mallin |
North End Community Renewal Corp. |
Town of Russell, MB |
Manitoba Urban Native Association |
Town of Coral Harbour, Nunavut |
North Battleford Native Housing Association |
Town of Brooks, AB |
Alberta Housing coalition |
Rural Secretariat, Manitoba |
Saskatchewan Housing Coalition |
Seniors Transportaion Working Group |
Mama Wii Itichata Centre |
Manitoba Eco-Network |
City of Winnipeg, PP&D |
Manitoba Urban Native Housing Association |
City of Winnipeg, Taxation & Assessment |
Consultants |
Mike Maunder |
Urban Aspects Consulting Group Ltd. |
Joe Hatch |
Brian Henderson and Associates |
Lynn Skotnitsky |
Romeo Crowchief |
Daniele Davis |
George Gaba |
Brian Lorch |
Ontario First Nations Technical Services Corp. |
Marjolaine Hebert |
Jennifer Chevrier |
Spurr Research Associates |
Keewaytinook Okimakanak / Public Works (Jerry Pokrupa) |
Joseph Warbanski |
Lori Rice |
Luba Serge |
Madeline Paul |
Janet McClain |
Michelle Meeches |
Ed Starr |
Natalie Ballantyne |
Daniel Lambert |
Rod Garrick |
Walter Krawec |
Susan Beaudin |
Lorne Hanks |
Wigwamen Non-Profit Residential Corp |
Kelly Saunders |
Independent First Nations Alliance (Al Coleman) |
Karen Hill |
Brian Brown |
Velma Orvis |
Darlene Marshall |
Thelma Meade |
Darren Guiboche |
Kelly Grover |
Grace Martineau |
Stevenson Advisors Ltd. |
Izhaa Consulting Inc. |
Aylee Consulting |
Richard Rounds and Associates |
Chris Munikah |
Andrew Charles |
Gerald Levin |
Gerard Allard |
Anne Thompson |
Tom Carter |
Susan Mulligan |
Service Providers |
St. Regis Hotel |
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada |
Marlborough Hotel |
Thunderbird House |
Delta Hotel |
Sandy-Saulteaux Spiritual Centre |
Holiday Inn |
Aboriginal Printing Services |
Norwood Hotel |
Air Canada |
Magnus Eliason Recreation Centre |
Westjet |
Ellice Café |
Calm Air |
West End Central Women's Resource Centre |
Winnipeg Free Press |
Food For Thought |
Uniter |
Guppy |
Canad Inn |
Rinella |
Kendrick Printing |
Derksens |
Hamiota Community Centre |
Enterprise Rent a Car |
Canada Post |
Out N About Travel |
Dycom |
Royal Canadian Legion (in Manitou) |
Indian & Métis Friendship Centre |
Ukrainian Hall (Minnedosa) |
AVW-TelAv Audio Visual Solutions |
Veterans Affairs Canada |
White Buffalo Restaurant and Catering |
Telegram Communications |
Place Louis Riel hotel |
Denise Green |
Anishinabek Consultants Inc. |
The Native Women’s Transition Centre |
Feast Café Bistro |
McNally Robinson Booksellers |
The Alt Hotel |
Neechi Foods |
Aboriginal Health and Wellness Centre |
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation |
American Association of Geographers |
Canadian Association of Geographers |
University of Winnipeg Bookstore |
University of Winnipeg Faculty Club |
Panago Pizza |
Sorrento’s Pizza |
X-Cues Billiards and Café |
Riley's Reproductions and Printing |