Writing Requirements
All students must fulfil the University Writing Requirement by course work or exemption prior to enroling in their 42nd credit hour by taking an Academic Writing course at the 1000 level.
Students may enrol in a variety of sections of Academic Writing, which is offered in both 3 credit hour and 6 credit hour versions. The 3 credit hour version fulfils the Writing Requirement, but those who decide that they would benefit from an extended course are welcome to enrol in the 6 credit hour version (AW:EXT in the Timetable). There are also 3 and 6 credit hour sections designed for students whose first language is not English (AW: EAL).
Regular Status Students, Conditional Status Students, and Mature Status Students
- with a grade of 80% or more average in two English 40S credits, 5 or more in IB English, 4 or more in AP English Lit/Comp, or 7.0 or more band score on IELTS writing are exempt from Academic Writing but are welcome to enrol in RHET-1105(3). Exempted students are also encouraged to take an upper-level RHET course such as Professional Style & Editing or Rhetorical Criticism.
- with a grade of less than 80% average in two English 40S credits, less than 5 in IB English, less than 4 in AP English Lit/Comp, or less than 7.0 band score on IELTS writing must fulfill the Writing Requirement.
- with only one English 40S credit must fulfill the Writing Requirement.
Transfer Students
- who have successfully completed 24 credit hours or more of transfer credit are exempt
- who have received fewer than 24 credit hours of transfer credit and who have a grade of 80% or more in English 40 (2 credit) or equivalent are exempt
- who have received transfer credit for fewer than 24 credit hours and who have a grade of less than 80% in English 40 (2 credits) or equivalent must fulfil the University writing requirement(s), and should contact the Department of Rhetoric, Writing, and Communications for advice about placement
After Degree Students
- in the B.Ed., Second Degree, or Master Level Programs need not fulfil the University writing requirement(s)
Note: Academic Writing Courses must be taken before completing 42 credit hours, and preferably in the first year by all students entering directly from high school, except for those who are exempt from the University Writing Requirement.
Academic Writing Courses
(RHET 11xx)
RHET 1101 Academic Writing: Humanities
RHET 1102 Academic Writing: Social Sciences
RHET 1103 Academic Writing: Sciences
RHET 1104 Academic Writing: Business Administration
RHET 1105 Academic Writing: Multidisciplinary
RHET 1110 Academic Writing: Extended
RHET 1115 Academic Writing: English as an Additional Language
Updated: August 2024