Eunhee Buettner
Title: Instructor
Phone: 204.789.4265
Office: 3G22
Building: Graham Hall
Dr. Eunhee Buettner holds a Ph.D. in Teaching English as an Additional Language (TEAL) Education from the University of Manitoba. She teaches academic writing courses including sections of English as an Additional Language (EAL) and Multidisciplinary at the Department of Rhetoric, Writing, and Communications. Before joining the department, she taught multicultural education, Introduction to TEAL, and Supporting and Teaching Refugee Youth courses at the Faculty of Education at the University of Winnipeg.
Winter 2025
RHET-1115: Academic Writing: EAL
RHET-3255: Narrative Thinking & Writing
RHET-3900: Border Rhetoric
Research Interests:
- Intercultural communication
- Bilingual children
- Impact of language on identity and culture
- Benefits of journal writing in language education
- Multiliteracy pedagogy