Jaqueline McLeod Rogers
Title: Professor
Phone: 204.786.9269
Office: 3G18
Building: Graham Hall
Email: j.mcleod-rogers@uwinnipeg.ca
Dr. Jaqueline McLeod Rogers is a feminist scholar with a long-term commitment to developing and promoting writing- and language-based education courses responsive to issues of culture and place. She teaches “Composing Winnipeg: Rhetorics of/and the City,” which deals with place-making practices, diversity, mobilities, and the tenacity of a localized “sense of place” that thrives even as it adjusts to the global flow of people and things.
Her central research interest in urban rhetorics aims at developing the language of networked and multiple relationships—revealing the writing self in social and material contexts, amidst a spinning web of relational ties. Much of her research is collaborative, such as studies that take up questions about how digital media affects our scholarly and cultural practices; she is currently co-editing a collection of essays that examine technologies in domestic space, Mothering/Internet/Kids. She has published several volumes exploring McLuhan and contemporary communication theory and practice; she published McLuhan’s Techno-Sensorium City: Coming to Ours Senses in a Programmed Environment (November 2020), a book that considers McLuhan as activist and speculative urbanist.
Winter 2025
RHET-1105: Academic Writing: Multidisciplinary
RHET-4150: Rhetoric of Nonfiction