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Instructional Videos

PACE students:  Please visit Part-Time Program Planning Tool for more information about Student Planning for PACE.

Degree Program students:  This series of videos below provides instructions on how to use "Student Planning," an online self-service tool for degree-planning and registration.  NOTE:  Each video is also available in ASL.  

1. Overview

This tutorial will:

  • Provide an overview of Student Planning
  • Explain each of the menu items

Student Planning 1 - Overview - in ASL

2. Creating a Plan

This tutorial will:

  • Explain the ”My Progress” page and display degree and major requirements needed to complete a program

Student Planning 2 - Creating a Plan - in ASL

3. Finding Courses

This tutorial will:

  • Explain the different ways to search for courses
  • Explain how to add courses to your plan

Student Planning 3 - Finding Courses - in ASL

4.Creating a Timetable

This tutorial will:

  • Explain how to schedule a section on your timetable

Student Planning 4 - Creating a Timetable - in ASL 

5. Register

This tutorial will:

  • Explain appointment times for registration
  • Explain registering for all sections at one time and registering for each section one at a time

Student Planning 5 - Registering - in ASL

6. Waitlists

This tutorial will:

  • Explain how to add yourself to a waitlist
  • Explain the waitlist process and how to get registered once permission is received to register

Student Planning 6 - Waitlists - in ASL

7. Drop Courses

This tutorial will:

  • Explain how and when you can drop sections
  • Explain how to remove a section from your plan

Note: Applicable to Undergraduate students only.

Student Planning 7 - Dropping Courses - in ASL

8. Change Sections

This tutorial will:

  • Explain how to change sections and look for sections in different terms

Student Planning 8 - Change a Section - in ASL

9. Request Review 

This tutorial will:

  • Explain how to request a review of your plan from an advisor

Student Planning 9 - Request a Review - in ASL