Philippe Cyrenne, Professor
Philippe (Phil) Cyrenne, Professor
PhD (Carleton)
Areas of Specialization: Industrial Organization and Regulation, Public Economics, Finance and Energy Economics
Selected Publications:
Cyrenne, Philippe (with Hugh Grant and Jacqueline Romanow). 2023. "Casinos as an Economic Development Strategy in the Prairie Provinces of Canada", Canadian Public Policy, 49(4): 362-382 [link]
Cyrenne, Philippe (with Alan Chan). "The Determinants of Student Success in University: A Generalized Ordered Logit Approach", Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 52:1 (2022). [link]
Cyrenne, Philippe (with Marian Shanahan). 2021. "Cannabis policies in Canada: How will we know which is best?", International Journal of Drug Policy, 91, 102556. [link]
Cyrenne, Philippe. 2019. "Antiscalping Laws and the Selling of Season Tickets by Professional Sports Teams", Managerial and Decision Economics 40(6): 718-727. [link]
Cyrenne, Philippe (with Marian Shanahan). "Towards a Regulatory Framework for the Legalization of Cannabis: How do we get to there from here?" Canadian Public Policy, Volume 44, Issue 1, 2018. [link]
Cyrenne, Philippe. "Salary Inequality, Team Success, League Policies and the Superstar Effect" Contemporary Economic Policy, Volume 36, Issue 1, 2018. [link]
Cyrenne, Philippe. "The Determinants of Dual Distribution Revisited." International Journal of the Economics of Business, Volume 23, Issue 2, 2016. [link]
Cyrenne, Philippe (with Manish Pandey). 2015. "Fiscal Equalization, Government Expenditures and Endogenous Growth," International Tax and Public Finance, 22:311-329 [link].
Cyrenne, Philippe. 2014. "Dual Distribution and the Penrose Effect" International Journal of the Economics of Business, Vol. 21, No. 1, 55-76. [link]
Cyrenne, Philippe (with Alan Chan). 2012. “High School Grades and University Performance: A Case Study” Economics of Education Review, 31(5): 524-42 [link]
Cyrenne, Philippe. 2009. “Modelling Professional Sports Leagues: An Industrial Organization Approach.” Review of Industrial Organization, Volume 34: 193-215 [link]
Cyrenne, Philippe and Hugh Grant. 2009. “University Decision Making and Prestige: An Empirical Study”, Economics of Education Review, Volume 28, Issue 2, 237-248 [link]
Cyrenne, Philippe (with R. Fenton and J. Warbanksi). 2006. Historic Buildings and Rehabilitation Expenditures: A Panel Data Approach, Journal of Real Estate Research, 28, 4 [link]
Cyrenne, Philippe (with Marian Shanahan), Private Healthcare in the OECD: A Canadian Perspective, The Monograph Series on Public Policy and Public Administration, Centre for Public Management, University of Toronto, 2004.
Cyrenne, Philippe. 2001. A Quality of Play Model of a Professional Sports League Economic Inquiry, 39: 444-452 [link]
Cyrenne, Philippe (with R. Fenton). 2000. On The Incentive Effects of Municipal Tax Credits Public Finance Review, 28: 226-246 [link]
Cyrenne, Philippe. 1999. On Antitrust Enforcement and the Deterrence of Collusive Behaviour Review of Industrial Organization, 14: 257-272 [link]
Cyrenne, Philippe. 1997. Price Leadership and Vertical Relationships Canadian Journal of Economics, 30: 235-245 [link]
Cyrenne, Philippe (with S. Abizadeh). 1997. On Distinguishing between Leviathan and Public Interest Governments in a Federal State. Public Choice, 92: 281-299 [link]
Cyrenne, Philippe. 1994. Vertical Integration versus Vertical Separation: An Equilibrium Model Review of Industrial Organization, 9: 311-322 [link]
(i) Recent Publications
Cyrenne, Philippe (with Hugh Grant and Jacqueline Romanow). 2023. "Casinos as an Economic Development Strategy in the Prairie Provinces of Canada", Canadian Public Policy, 49(4): 362-382 [link]
Cyrenne, Philippe (with Alan Chan). "The Determinants of Student Success in University: A Generalized Ordered Logit Approach", Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 52:1 (2022). [link]
Cyrenne, Philippe (with Marian Shanahan). 2021. "Cannabis policies in Canada: How will we know which is best?", International Journal of Drug Policy, 91, 102556. [link]
Cyrenne, Philippe. 2019. "Antiscalping Laws and the Selling of Season Tickets by Professional Sports Teams", Managerial and Decision Economics 40(6): 718-727. [link]
Cyrenne, Philippe (with Marian Shanahan). "Towards a Regulatory Framework for the Legalization of Cannabis: How do we get to there from here?" Canadian Public Policy, Volume 44 Issue 1, 2018. [link]
(ii) Working Papers
Cyrenne, Philippe, 2020. "Elite Universities, Program Capacities and the Student Admission Decision," Departmental Working Papers 2020-02, The University of Winnipeg, Department of Economics [link]
Cyrenne, Philippe and Alan Chan, 2019. "The Determinants of Student Success in University: A Generalized Ordered Logit Approach," Departmental Working Papers 2019-03, The University of Winnipeg, Department of Economics [link]
Cyrenne, Philippe, 2015. "The Determinants of Dual Distribution Revisited," Departmental Working Papers 2015-04, The University of Winnipeg, Department of Economics [link]
Cyrenne, Philippe, 2014. "Salary Inequality, Team Success and the Superstar Effect," Departmental Working Papers 2014-02, The University of Winnipeg, Department of Economics. [link]
Cyrenne, Philippe (with Manish Pandey), 2013. "Fiscal Equalization, Government Expenditures and Endogenous Growth," Departmental Working Papers, The University of Winnipeg, Department of Economics [link]
Cyrenne, Philippe, 2013. "Player Salaries, Player Mobility and the Invariance Principle: Evidence from the National Hockey League," Departmental Working Papers, The University of Winnipeg, Department of Economics [link]
Cyrenne, Philippe and Hugh Grant, 2012. "Modelling the Optimization Problem of a Public University," Departmental Working Papers 2012-02, The University of Winnipeg, Department of Economics [link]
Cyrenne, Philippe, 2011. "Dual Distribution and Differentiated Products," Departmental Working Papers 2011-04, The University of Winnipeg, Department of Economics [link]
Cyrenne, Philippe & Alan Chan, 2010. "High School Grades and University Performance: A Case Study," Departmental Working Papers 2010-02, The University of Winnipeg, Department of Economics [link]
Other Research
(i) Book Chapters (in progress)
Optimal Fossil Fuel Use [link]