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Launch: Fat Studies Lab (University of Manitoba)

Wed. Mar. 12 07:00 PM - Wed. Mar. 12 09:00 PM

Announcing the launch of the new Fat Studies Lab at the University of Manitoba!

Please join us for the launch of the Fat Studies Lab with a talk by our special guest, Professor Amy Erdman Farrell (Dickenson College), author of the NYU Press book Fat Shame. Special guest performance by the Fat Babes Dance Collective! Free refreshments provided and entry is free!

When: Wednesday, March 12 at 7pm

Where: The Times Change(d), 234 Main Street

Facilitated by: Dr. Deborah McPhail, Community Health Sciences, University of Manitoba

About Professor Farrell:

Amy E. Farrell is the James Hopes Caldwell Memorial Chair and Professor of American Studies and Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies at Dickinson College. Her research focuses on representations of gender and feminism in popular culture, the history and representation of the body and fatness, the history of second wave feminism, and girlhood studies. She is the author of Yours in Sisterhood: Ms. Magazine and the Promise of Popular Feminism (University of North Carolina Press, 1998) and Fat Shame: Stigma and the Fat Body in American Culture (New York University Press, 2011), as well as the editor of The Contemporary Reader of Gender and Fat Studies (Routledge, 2023). A frequent media commentator, Farrell has appeared on the Colbert Report and shared her research on national popular media, including Bitch, the New Yorker, Psychology Today, NPR, and CNN. From 2019-2020 she served as an American Council of Learned Societies Fellow, in 2021-22 as a Fellow at the Harvard Radcliffe Institute, and in 2023 she was awarded a National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Research Grant.

About the Fat Studies Lab:

Located at the University of Manitoba, the Fat Studies Lab is an online and in-person space for radical fat politics and scholarship. It is a hub for resources, guest speakers, activism and connection.

Thanks to our event sponsors:

Women's and Gender Studies, University of Winnipeg

Disability Studies, University of Winnipeg

Office of the Vice Provost (Equity), University of Manitoba

Alan Klass Program for Health Equity, University of Manitoba

Community Health Sciences, University of Manitoba

Fat Studies Lab launch - event poster