2024-25 Course Offerings
There is nothing routine about WGS and Disability Studies! Each year, courses are redesigned according to current research in the fields. Courses with an (*) are required courses for a Degree in WGS!
Tiered registration for Spring 2025 will begin on March 17, 2025. Open registration will begin on April 2, 2025.
Please note that these are our intended course offerings for 2024-5. The list is subject to change. For the latest updates, please refer to the course listings on WebAdvisor.
*WGS-1232-001: Introduction to WGS
K. Kitzul: k.kitzul@uwinnipeg.ca
MWF 9:30-10:20am [6 credits, in person]
*WGS-1232-002: Introduction to WGS
A. Singh: aa.singh@uwinnipeg.ca
MW 2:30-3:45pm [6 credits, in person]
*WGS-1232-003: Introduction to WGS
K. Kitzul: k.kitzul@uwinnipeg.ca
TuTh 8:30-9:45am [6 credits, in person]
*WGS-1232-780: Introduction to WGS
A. Norris: a.norris@uwinnipeg.ca
Wed 6:00-9:00pm [6 credits, hybrid online]
WGS-3001-001: Indigenous and Critical Race Feminisms
S. Ruprai: s.ruprai@uwinnipeg.ca
Thurs 2:30-5:15pm [6 credits, in person]
WGS-2260-001: Girls, Women, and Popular Culture
S. Namayanja: s.namayanja@uwinnipeg.ca
Fri 9:30am-12:20pm [3 credits, in person]
WGS-2264/DIS-2200-780: Disabilities, Sexualities, and Rights
K. Hardy: kr.hardy@uwinnipeg.ca
Wed 11:30am-1:00pm [3 credits, hybrid online]
WGS-2270-050: Food Cultures, Sex & Gender
Contact department: wgstudies@uwinnipeg.ca
Tues 6:00-9:00pm [3 credits, in person]
*WGS-2333-001: Feminisms Backgrounds
A. Failler: a.failler@uwinnipeg.ca
Tu 2:30-5:15pm [3 credits, in person]
WGS/ENV/GEOG-2416-001: Sex, Gender, Space & Place
R. Crowe: r.crowe@uwinnipeg.ca
Wed 9:30am-12:20pm [3 credits, in person]
WGS/ENV-3004-001: Women, Health, & Environment
R. Crowe: r.crowe@uwinnipeg.ca
TuTh 11:30am-12:45pm [3 credits, in person]
WGS-3200-001: Feminist Methodologies
P. Greenhill: p.greenhill@uwinnipeg.ca
MW 10:30am-1:20pm [6 credits condensed, in person]
WGS-3321-001: Gender & Organizations
N. Schulz: n.schulz@uwinnipeg.ca
Fri 2:30-5:15pm [3 credits, in person]
WGS-4232-001: Practical Feminisms
P. Greenhill: p.greenhill@uwinnipeg.ca
Fri 2:30-5:15pm [3 credits, in person]
WGS-2251-001: Gender, Race, and Nation
A. Singh: aa.singh@uwinnipeg.ca
TuTh 1:00-2:15pm [3 credits, in person]
WGS-2256-001: New Media, Culture Jamming, and the Third Wave
A. Norris: a.norris@uwinnipeg.ca
Fri 2:30-5:15pm [3 credits, online]
WGS-2260-002: Girls, Women, and Popular Culture
S. Namayanja: s.namayanja@uwinnipeg.ca
MWF 10:30-11:20am [3 credits, in person]
WGS-2264/DIS-2200-781: Disabilities, Sexualities, and Rights
K. Hardy: kr.hardy@uwinnipeg.ca
Wed 11:30am-1:00pm [3 credits, hybrid online]
WGS/UIC-3020-001: Women and the Inner City
S. Zell: s.zell@uwinnipeg.ca
Wed 1:00-3:45pm [3 credits, in person at Merchant's Corner, 541 Selkirk Ave]
*WGS-3302-001: Feminisms: Current Perspectives
S. Ruprai: s.ruprai@uwinnipeg.ca
Tu 2:30-5:15pm [3 credits, in person]
WGS-4401-002: Adv Topics: Unsettling Queer Canada
A. Failler: a.failler@uwinnipeg.ca
Mon 2:30-5:15pm [3 credits, in person]
*WGS-1232-001: Introduction to WGS
K. Kitzul: k.kitzul@uwinnipeg.ca
Tue/Wed/Thur, 9:00am-12:00pm, 8 weeks (May 5 to July 2, 2025) [6 credits, in person]
WGS-2264/DIS-2200-780: Disabilities and Sexualities
K. Hardy: kr.hardy@uwinnipeg.ca
Tue/Thur, 1:00-2:30pm, 8 weeks (May 5 to July 2, 2025) [3 credits, online]