Find Your Pathway Into Women's and Gender Studies!
Intersectional approach
Women's and Gender Studies promotes an intersectional approach to understanding social problems and phenomena. It pays special attention to the ways sex, gender, and sexuality are shaped by colonialism, racism, ageism, homophobia, and transphobia, as well as by constructions of difference based on class, (dis)ability, religion, ethnicity, and culture.
Our unique department brings these perspectives to the university, and represents feminism in the academy. In our classes, students of all genders and sexualities learn about feminist movements to end sexism, exploitation, and related social oppressions. The department encourages diversity among its students and in its curriculum, and offers the means to contribute to social change.
An interdisciplinary program
Women’s & Gender Studies is an interdisciplinary program exploring gender-based experiences, cultures, and political economy.
Intersectional feminism is essential in all fields now, and WGS grads have sought-after skills applicable in a wide range of sectors.
Degree programs in Women’s & Gender Studies at UWinnipeg:
- Bachelor of Arts 3-year
- Bachelor of Arts 4-year
- Bachelor of Arts Honours
- Minor
What can I do with a WGS degree?
The better question is, what can’t you do!?
- Government
- Public administration
- Social services
- Criminal justice
- Social work
- Academia
- Health services
- Human services
- Business
- Arts, literature, and culture
- Law
- Education
- Media
- Science
- Psychology
- Politics
- Advocacy
Potential occupations:
- Advocate for hate-crime victims
- Director of an interpersonal or family violence centre or rape crisis program
- Staff at a human rights organization
- Coordinator of a resource centre
- HIV educator
- Cultural worker
- Human resources administrator
- Policy analyst
- Union leader
- Community development worker
- Women’s health physician/advocate
- Human rights lawyer
- Environmental lawyer
- Magazine editor
- Entrepreneur
- Journalist
- Writer
What WGS provides
Thoughts from former students
“WGS provided me with a whole new consciousness and set of thought processes. It changes the way you think about and view the world and social issues....My experience has given me a new capacity for critical thought that has helped me in both my career and research endeavours.” --Jess Leppik (BA), Masters student in Family Therapy
“My WGS major equipped me with a unique perspective and critical thinking skills that aid in decision-making and handling life and business events.” --Fiona Zhao, Founder, Unique Bunny
“I remember feeling very lucky to be learning from my professors, and excited by being exposed to feminist, queer, and critical race theory.” --Jana Elazar, University of Manitoba Faculty of Law, 2023
Required courses for a WGS degree
3-year and 4-year BA, minor:
- WGS-1232: Intro to Women’s & Gender Studies
- WGS-2333: Early Feminist Thought, Movement, and Activism
- WGS-3302: Contemporary Feminist Theories
It is also strongly recommended that 3-year and 4-year majors take WGS-3200: Intersectional Feminist Research Methods
- WGS-1232: Intro to Women’s & Gender Studies
- WGS-2333: Early Feminist Thought, Movement, and Activism
- WGS-3302: Contemporary Feminist Theories
- WGS-3200: Intersectional Feminist Research Methods
It is also strongly recommended that Honours students take at least one of:
- WGS-4232: Capstone: Activating Your Feminisms
- WGS-4200 Advanced Feminist Theory
- WGS-4000 Women’s & Gender Studies Practicum
If you have any questions about the WGS program or want help planning your degree, please get in touch!
Department Chair:
Dr. Sharanpal Ruprai
Or come by the department office
(4G09 in Graham Hall)!